Thursday, October 17, 2024

Beautiful Autumn Weather

There's that crispness in the air in autumn that can only be felt a few weeks of out of the year. When the leaves are changed and rustle as they fall to the ground, or as you walk through them. Apple cider, pumpkins, hardy mums, and Spartan football. If I could freeze time, this week would be the one I'd want to live in the rest of my life. 

But alas, time marches on. Kathi's quilt is done! Once it was off the frame and trimmed, I started loading the next deadline quilt onto DW and worked Diane S.'s quilt on Bernie while frame ironing Patty's back. 

God Bless America!
This one should be finished today despite the ridiculous amount of time I'm taking on this. Here's some of the quilting detail going into it...
Stars and Stripes forever
The quilting shows up particularly well because the fabric is flannel, which shows a bit more definition than a traditional cotton. I went from this quilt over to work on Bee Happy for a bit and then once I got the blocks built I shifted over to Foster. I want to get that quilt done on him. It's been on there too long and it's time to hunker down and get it off. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hump Day

Happy Wednesday. It's a beautiful autumn day here today. Very cool temps, the sun is shining brightly, and the leaves are at peak. It's gorgeous looking out the new living room windows. I do miss that in the new studio since the Catalpa tree obstructs most of it. But I love that tree and it provides much needed shade in the summer.

Kathi's quilt will be done today; I have another couple of hours of work on it this morning. Here's some of the quilting going into it...

Some straight lines

Some scallops and feathers
I didn't think this would be a "wow" one for me, but it's turning out better than I expected. 

Enjoy the color while you can. It doesn't stick around for very long. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Isn't Starting a New Project Fun?

I think this may be why we have so many projects going at once. Starting a new one is always thrilling. Even with my "job" the new quilt top I load onto the long arm is a new project and it's fun to see how the quilt "reads" and what exactly I'm going to put into it. 

Here's Kathis third top I loaded yesterday...

Again, the lighting isn't doing this any favors
This is a purple and green quilt despite it looking mauve-ish here. Quilting detail to follow tomorrow. 

After working yesterday I moved over to the Bee Happy piece and made the next two blocks (spools of thread). I wanted to long arm some more so after finishing the two blocks for the day on Bee Happy I moved over to Foster to work on the Leah Day BOM. I have all the black done on that roll I'm on and have rethreaded to do all the colored blocks for that section. 

Much of the same today. Nothing earth shattering for my birthday. I received calls from all three of the boys. Texts from family and friends. IM's from acquaintances, and two cards and some Skittles from Jim. He knows I love, love, love Skittles! He's so wonderful. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy 60th!

Today is my 60th birthday. Never thought I would see 60 given my personal history, but here I am. Living every day like it may be my last. 

Good news for all of the folks who have been waiting for the M-30 bridge to reopen. Here she is!

It's Open!

And higher than it was before
They raised the height of the bridge so boats could go under without any issues. If the lake ever comes back that is.

Jim took me on a fabric shopping trip Saturday and all the fat quarters for my Produce Section quilt are now in hand. We bummed around also trying to locate him a hunting jacket. Wow, the selection at some of the stores we ventured into was very disappointing. We ended up at Jays and found a steller 4-in-1 coat for him 40% off so now he's all set for hunting season. 

Kathi's second quilt is done and now I'm loading the back for her third top. I'll be working that one today and however long it takes to get that one done. I have a little one on Bernie for Diane S that I was going to start today, but the backing for Kathis is nearly done so don't know how much of that I'll actually get into. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Just A Little Left

I have this much left to quilt in Kathi's quilt...

Another couple of hours
But I have a customer coming this morning to pick up and I also have a nail appointment first thing. By the end of the day?

Had a scare yesterday. I had two customers call last week whilst at retreat. One about a check that I hadn't cashed (I had, but the C.U. changed some rules and some of the checks weren't going through) and another to come and pick up today.

I inadvertently switched who was doing what and was feverishly running around here trying to find a quilt that didn't exist any longer in the pick up area. Then I re-checked my messages and got myself straightened out.

A few of the retreat people asked about the new studio and I showed them the pick I posted on TikTok a while ago. Wow, things have already changed since then. I reshot a video this morning without even picking anything up or tidying the space.

It's funny how the transfer to my phone onto the blog changes the lighting. Full day ahead so I best be heading to it. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024


So. Much. Fun! Laugh, laugh, laugh is just some of what happened during the week. Sew, sew, sew, talk, talk, talk, eat, eat, eat. That was the rest of the retreat. But glad to be getting back to a regular routine.

Here are some of the tops I completed in the three full days I was there...

Day #1
This was a "surprise" gift Jim brought back from downstate last Saturday. 

Day #2
These blocks were being constructed earlier this summer, but I don't have space enough to lay them all out here so I take advantage of the larger space at retreat.

Day #3 (yesterday)
This was started at the last retreat a year ago. I had completed all the cutting and assembly of the center of the spools prior to coming this week to retreat. 

Here are a couple more tops other people completed. Two "twirly" (Radiant Suns) tops from the class I taught two months ago...
Virginia's top

Terri's top
And one from Bernadette from a pattern by Elizabeth Hartman called Dog Park that actually came home with me to be quilted...
Dog Park
Isn't this absolutely adorable?

Well, back to it. I'm still working on Kathi's Flower Felicity quilt today. I don't think I'll get it completed since there is still a third of it to go, but I'm going to try my hardest. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Quilt Retreat

I'll be out of the studio from today through at least Wednesday night attending the biannual QQQG retreat. So excited, but tired too. I never sleep the night before retreat because I'm so excited.

Jim and I visited mom yesterday and I had mentioned to her a while back that if she ever wanted to get rid of her dining room table, I'd gladly take it off her hands since we have room for one now.

The "new" dining room...

A little more filled
It was pretty empty there for a month or two, but it seems to be filling. The computer is now in the corner by the stairs (where I'm typing now) but will have to move at Christmas time when the tree comes in. 

Whelp. The laundry is almost done and them I'm outta here for a few days. I'll be spending the nights here, but will be off and running early each morning. 

Beautiful Autumn Weather

There's that crispness in the air in autumn that can only be felt a few weeks of out of the year. When the leaves are changed and rustle...