I'm pretty good at being organized, multi-tasking, and proactive. Except yesterday. I'm not sure what got me off track, but I failed to order [special] batting for the upcoming quilt going onto DW. The backing is frame ironed and when I checked the work order, realized the kind of batt this particular quilt requires is not something I usually stock.
When I get an order in like that, I try to get the "speciality" item (thread, batt, etc.) ordered ahead of time and then attach a note or the actual item to the hanging-in-wait top/backing. That way, when it's ready to load, everything is right there.
This is what's on DW for the unforeseeable future...
Go Green! Go White! |
Thankfully, my batting supplier is pretty speedy and I'll get the batt on Monday or Tuesday. Which leaves today and tomorrow morning free. I can't load it onto Bernie for two reasons: 1) I still have one (not finished) on Bernie (which I'll work on today), and 2) It requires the Spartan "S" and helmet to be computerized into it. Bernie does not have that capability.
Is your quilt square? Wanna find out if it is? Have the long armer just load it onto the frame (doesn't even need to be quilted) and roll through the length of it. If it does this, it's not square...
Compare the left and right sides. |
I square them up at the top when I run a plumb line and again on the sides by keeping track of the measurement through each roll. They are ALWAYS basted during the quilting progress, so this ones not on me.
Having said all of that happy crap, I'm on Bernie today finishing last years Cotton Cuts BOM. I did my block for this month last night and only have one more month to go before construction begins.
Jim's mom is also an issue. As of last night, she was still hanging in there. I think She's waiting for Jim's sister (who lives in Idaho) to get there. Which should be today.