Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder what other people are doing at that very moment you're thinking about what they're doing? My mind drifts when I'm long arming. What are the kids/grandkids doing at that moment? What are friends doing? Other quilters...are they long arming, at a retreat, or just piecing? I believe I have too much "think" time. 

The QOV is done. It's hanging out waiting for the markings to disappear...

Ready to remove and trim up
To revisit, I'll be working on Sue's Kaleidoscope quilt on DW for the next few days...

Ready for my attention
It's not even basted in yet. I was waiting for Jim to shim those legs before starting to do any work on it. Now that that's done I can proceed.

While I was getting ready to quilt on Foster last night, the sun broke through the clouds and showed me this yuck on my cutting mat...
Look at all that mess
Your mat has all of this as well. I took my gum eraser to it and it's much cleaner now. What I need to do is get it in the shower with some Dawn to thoroughly clean it, but I'll do that when the weather gets warmer.

Rainy and chilly today. It's probably going to melt whatever snow we have left. If not today, then definitely tomorrow as temps are supposed to stay mostly above freezing with rain for the next day or so. 

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Ever Wonder?

Do you ever wonder what other people are doing at that very moment you're thinking about what they're doing? My mind drifts when I...