Monday, November 19, 2018


I have been delayed in posting anything new because of the "little kid" graduation. It sounds like a kindergarten graduation, doesn't it? It's actually our youngest son, who is 24, who graduated from Army basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. This is Caleb and me just after the ceremony. I couldn't be prouder. Doubly so because I too am former Army, as is my dad, and his dad too.

Hopefully I'll get back to daily postings now that all the travel dust (snow) has been brushed off and we are settling back into our pre-travel routines.

Jim is back to work. The puppy is back to peeing on the floor, and I am back to chasing the puppy around and not getting much quilting done. But I'm sure going to try on the days she likes to nap more than play.

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