I had every intention of getting the body of the quilt on DW stitched out yesterday morning. I set up the area, parked in the motif, did some adjustments and pushed 'quilt'. It took some tack stitches and then started ghost stitching.
This was my morning. After restarting the Pro Stitcher a few times and fiddling with some settings within the program I was experiencing the same results. I called Handi Quilter.
Apparently my very new tablet needed both a Microsoft update as well as a PS update. While that was working, customer number one showed up.
She left, I ate lunch and then at that point, received a phone call that customer number two was on her way from Midland. I didn't want to get into anything big, so I started plugging away at the crochet bag I started down in Shipshewana.
She finally arrived and stood and talked for a while. When she left I continued on with my crochet bag(s) project. I received a call about an hour later that a quilt I had been holding since July was finally being picked up. She arrived well past 4:00, but at least it finally found its home.
Here's the three bags I completed during the day.
Aren't these so stinkin' cute? |
Since I hadn't long armed (at all) yesterday, I jumped on Foster to get my daily long arm fix in. After a pass I shut him down and moved over to working on Produce Section...
Orange you glad you're here? |
These oranges turned out almost perfect. Elizabeth Hartman writes nearly perfect patterns. I have found a few minor things I'd like for her to do in her patterns that would benefit a beginner quilt maker, but I can figure things out with my years of experience.
Getting the tree today and running to Midland to do a little shopping. It's snowing pretty good out there, but Jim's driving and I won't worry about the nearly bald tires we have to replace on the truck as he's a professional.