Sunday, November 17, 2024

And...I'mmmm Baaaccckkk

I am back from Shipshewana, but I don't know how deep into my routine I'm actually going to be. Mom has a foot surgery scheduled for Tuesday. I'm the only close relative to assist in her convalescence. She can NOT put any weight on that foot for at least six weeks and she has very little balance left.

So, I'm going to be working second shift for a while if she passes her pre-op tests tomorrow. Jim will have to take over the afternoon watch because I still have Christmas deadlines to meet.

Today will be my last day "off" for quite a while I'm afraid.

My retreat to-do's changed in a matter of one day. The machine (Jay) that I took down didn't have enough lighting to actually allow me to work without terrible eye strain and I was in a corner where the overhead lights weren't the greatest.

I shifted gears. Did a little shopping and over the next couple of days, made something totally different than what I took down. I did get a border fabric for Bee Happy while out shopping and picked up a few Christmas gifts as well.

Here are a few quilts I brought home to quilt for customers...

A few other tops that Terri and Virginia accomplished are below...
Book Worm by Virginia

Terri's pretty flowers from a magazine she had
So many beautiful colors. We laughed. We cried. We prayed. We compared. We had a blast over all and the registration opened on Thursday for next years retreat. It was full by Saturday morning. I have that to look forward to over the upcoming months to get me through the next crazy year. 

Jim's out hunting this morning and I'll be starting to cut my Produce Section quilt out. I can't attach borders until I get all the fabrics off the sewing table or they'll end up on the floor so I have to deal with that today. 

And then tomorrow I'll be back on the big machines. We were hoping Foster would be done while I was cruising through Lansing yesterday, but his parts still haven't arrived, so another trip down to Lansing is in our future. 

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