Friday, November 22, 2024

Going to E.R.

Jim got a call yesterday afternoon; mom had to call an ambulance, while I was here, to come get her for a really high heart rate. She's had this before, and the meds keeping from this happening had to be D/C'd for her surgery. Needless to say, she's back on her meds and hopefully this won't happen again. After spending time in the ER and then at home with her last night she's insisting she's fine now and we could go home. 

I have nails this morning, so another trip into town. Then, at some point today, we have to run and get Thanksgiving Day fixings. Our local grocery store is too pricey to purchase all that stuff so we'll be running to Midland or West Branch later.

The quilt I'll (hopefully) be finishing today was a BOM from The Quilt Show...

More crosshatching
Crosshatching, while simple looking, is very, very time consuming. I never did get to start stitching out on DW last night because of the hospital visit. 

Jim is taking today off to hang lights and get some stuff done around here. Honestly, they don't have enough work for him and his co-worker to do anyway, so he's taking advantage of the lull.

Well, happy Friday I guess. I'll be working through the weekend since I've spent so much time away this week (and the two previous weeks). And, then we have the grandkids the weekend following the holiday. 

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