Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Closed Independence Day Weekend

I will be closed after 4:00 today until next Monday. I'll be working in the studio, but on whatever comes my way or what I feel like. I'm calling it a sewing stay-cation 

It's always nuts around the lake on the 4th, but we don't participate in most of it as we have next weekend to deal with which is exciting enough for people our age.

Here's some quilting detail going into Bernadettes quilt...

I love ruler work!
After working for nine hours on this one, my feet were tired and I wanted to do something sit-down, so I put this class sample together...
Showing the many layouts possible
I had a bundle of 16 fat eights which was just enough to make this sample, which will eventually end up as a baby quilt for some cute little girl. 

I'll be finishing Bernadettes quilt today and then who knows what. 

I picked up a table runner at Bittersweet last Saturday that I'm hoping to get done over the weekend to use as a cover up for the electrical panel in the new studio. And, there's plenty of other things to fiddle with out there and am so excited to be able to just enjoy the space instead of the pressure of working since that's basically all I've been doing since moving in six weeks ago. 

Happy 4th of July weekend!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Loaded Up

DW has a quilt waiting to be basted in. Bernie has Bernadettes quilt on it that I'll be working on again today. Possibly tomorrow as well; it's getting a lot of thread and ruler work. Foster has three quilts on it right now; two are quilted and the other may be quilted tonight. 

The one I'm working now
I'll try to get some quilting detail on it. 

Abbey's quilt

Going to Alaska

Up next for possibly tonight
I'll show what's on DW when I get to working on it. No other sewing last night. Had two customers come yesterday. One to pick up and another to not only pick up, but drop off as well. 

The flags are out for our Independence Day celebration. Today is logistically my Thursday as I'll be closed on the 4th and 5th both. I do plan on spending a LOT of quality time in the studio, but not actually "working". 

Monday, July 1, 2024


I have two machines that are empty. Well, DW isn't, yet, but he will be here in about 20 minutes. Foster is also empty. Bernie has a back on him but I need to get the batting/top loaded and basted in. Apparently this morning I'm going to be reloading. 

All of yesterday was spent in Saginaw and Midland getting mom a new phone. Hers was DOA and there wasn't a whole lot anybody could do about it. 

Once we were done at Best Buy and Verizon, we headed back here to get all of her apps downloaded, her security parameters set, and to see if we could recover anything. Unfortunately, we could not recover her pics or music. 

After she left, I needed to sew something. It was nearly 6:00 so not much sewing time left. I was able to attach the binding onto Amish with a Twist and to press, cut, and start the next Twirly quilt. This is a sample to take for a class I'm teaching on this technique in August. Here's the first block...

The first block of 16
Sometime today I need to get our flags out in the driveway. I was going to do it first thing this morning, but they become a burden to get around when Jim is pulling the RV out of the barn; which will be in the next day or so.'s reunion time. 😑

Closed Independence Day Weekend

I will be closed after 4:00 today until next Monday. I'll be working in the studio, but on whatever comes my way or what I feel like. I&...