The thumb injury that occurred to me as a young girl (like seven or eight years old) is starting to become an issue. It feels like my thumb joint is becoming arthritic or something. This is my dominant hand; my working hand. Moreover, my working thumb.
I played on Foster for a little under two hours yesterday and my thumb, even while typing this morning, is making its presence known. Painfully. I got off the long arm and moved over to making customer bags. Sewing and pressing do not require much pressure on that joint. I have started wearing a compression glove to try to ease the situation.
Here's a few of the bags Jim (he helped when he got home from work) and I made yesterday.
A few customer bags |
Our "storm" didn't turn into a storm at all. We got maybe another inch of snow overnight and only spontaneous snow yesterday. It's supposed to be done snowing by late morning today and that's it. Kind of a let down.
MSU won last night in Champagne, and Tom achieved the most winning coach award passing Bobby Knight after the win. While Jim was watching the game, I got the third round of my crochet squares done and will work on the fourth while we're watching movies today.
On a bad note...the little group who have put a fly in our damn reconstruction ointment did file for appeal with the Michigan State Supreme Court on Friday afternoon. Are we ever going to get our lakes back?
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