Friday, February 28, 2025

Michigan Weather

We're supposed to have cloudy and windy weather today. Nothing about snow, yet that's what it's doing outside. Nothing earth shattering, but snow nonetheless. Wouldn't it be nice to have a well paying job telling people only half-truths?

Here's some of the quilting going into Anns QOV...

One of the 20 blocks

The border treatment
I'm going pretty light on the custom area but it's still taking some time. Many thread changes and a lot of ditching. 

I worked on the Girl with the Pearl Earring after I turned off Bernie after 5:00. Here's the second stitch out...

Now to color
I didn't think I'd get to the color last night, but I still had some time to frog around and here it is prior to doing a textile treatment on the InkTense pencils...
Prior to medium treatment
The colors will be extraordinary when I get the medium on there.  

I'll be working on Anns quilt all day today. Yesterday I had a pick up and drop off both. I had a phone call for two more tops coming in next week and a call from the Shop Hop folks to get all the information on Linda's Michigan Shop Hop quilt (that I did a while ago). It will be going into the magazine later this year, and they are giving me credit, which is very cool. And it's Friday already. Holy crap. 

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