Thursday, February 20, 2025

Weird Mac

The computer I blog on (my desktop Mac) was completely off this morning. I checked all the connections because it would not just turn back on. I switched the plug it was in on the Monster surge protector and it finally fired up. Isn't techology great?

I know this computer is getting up in years and maybe it's giving us some signals?

Up early and rolling already this morning. Chores are done and I'm jumping on Bernie first thing. The Steam Punk quilt did not get done yesterday. This is why...

Do you see any quilting?
You don't see any quilting because I'm going around each and every one of the non-aqua elements with aqua thread. It takes a LONG time to do this as I can't just whip around everything willy-nilly. 

Maybe today it's going to get finished? I have a customer coming later to pick up and had a last minute visitor yesterday to drop off who was here for a bit. 

I did get another roll done on Foster and have a half and one more roll to go. But I have to piece some batting since the quilt was bigger than the batting on the roll. That won't take long, but it's kind of a contortionist act wrestling with 107 inches of batting. 

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