Monday, December 30, 2019

Sad But True

I hate saying goodbye. I don't know anybody who really does actually.

The last of the kids left just a bit ago and while tears are streaming down my face for the recurring emotional departure, a part of me breathes a sigh of relief for a successful holiday season. Nobody was put in the hospital and all seemed to enjoy being and sharing together.

And then there's that part of me jumping up in excitement. Certainly not because the kids are gone. No, I miss them already and will continue to worry about them until I see them again.

The excitement is for what comes later this week. Quilt Camp!

Yes, there is such a thing. Where quilters, crafters, and artists get together for four days to talk about the holidays. the successes, the not so successes and all that goes with the season.

It's a way for the ladies (because I haven't seen a guy come yet) to reward themselves for the preparations and work needed to ensure all the friends and family who come during the holidays are well received and have a good time. It's a way to unwind from the holiday and gear up for our quilting months ahead. It's a way to catch up with old friends to see what their lives have been like over the past year. And, it's a way to pack on those needed 20 pounds to get us through the upcoming winter, because we eat like nobodies business while we're there.

Here's my pile waiting to get put into the Jeep.

Waiting for Camp
The studio was basically tore down during the holiday's to make room for the 12 of us to sleep. I have plenty to do in here to make it all better again and to give it a test drive to make sure it is functioning as I want it to prior to leaving for camp. And, believe it or not, I received a customer top to work on the long arm.

Oh, and my brochure needs a  little updating. So, since I'm off work, I'll take advantage of the quiet house for the next two days and look forward to camp in the meantime.

From my family to yours, we wish you a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year!

The DeGroot Family

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