Monday, March 3, 2025

Not so Snuggle Sunday

Okay, so we did snuggle a little after lunch and before the game, and then again after it was finished in the early evening. Meanwhile, in the morning I worked on Foster...

What's going in the "mint" section
And in the afternoon I started pressing, cutting, and piecing for the first block in what I'm calling the Scrappy Susan quilt. 

The first scrap block (of 40)
You can see my focus fabric in the background; what I pulled all the scraps from to make it a little more cohesive. 

Today is QOV work on Bernie. It should be done by the end of today barring too many interruptions. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Taking the Girls

We had errands to do after getting morning chores done and we took the girls with us. Something we haven't done in a while, but we weren't going to be in any one place any too long. They were so tuckered out when we got back home they were very quiet the rest of the day. They get so excited going bye-bye.

One of the stops was Pieces of Thyme to pick up some background fabric for this new project...

The newest project
After lunch and a movie or two, I headed out to the studio to read the directions for this project and started cutting the background pieces...

Backgrounds all cut
Jim was out in the workshop cutting and making shim pieces for the two north/south long arms. DW is wearing his latest "heels"...

A new set of shims
During our second movie the medium I had purchased Friday for the Girl with the Pearl Earring was applied. Here's a before and after treatment with said medium...

Yep, just some fabric medium on those InkTense pencils brings out the life of the party.

Not sure where I'm headed today but it'll be low-keyed. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

More of the Same

Yesterday was free of any distractions but I'm still not finished with the QOV. Here's another few blocks going in...

America the Beautiful
And here's one of Lady Liberty...

Does this block make me look fat?
While the furnace was running I loaded the two big machines for their next project(s). Here's what's on Foster...

Left overs from a previous project
I dug this out of the flimsy tote. With all of that light negative space, ya know I have to custom quilt this one. Here's what's on DW after the QOV is done...

Sue's beautiful Kaleidoscope Quilt 
This is, of course, going to be custom done. But not until that QOV is finished. 

We ran to Midland last night to UPS out Ginny's three quilts. I stopped into Joann's to find some fabric medium. They were, of course, out. The store is a skeleton even after only one week into their closing. Hobby Lobby had what I think I needed. I have to check my test section to see if it's the right thing.

The Bellers came up for the day/night last night and we headed there after getting groceries to catch up and visit. 

Today is a crap shoot. Jim and I have been doing chores all morning and are now heading to Pieces to pick up some background fabric for the next scrappy quilt I'm going to do with folks around the country with Susan Smith. She's hosting a sew-along and I need to dump some scraps. 

Not so Snuggle Sunday

Okay, so we did snuggle a little after lunch and before the game, and then again after it was finished in the early evening. Meanwhile, in t...