Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Let's Talk Wrinkles

So many of my customers are worried about a) the quilt top being square and b) wrinkles in both the back and the front. Neither is a concern actually. Here's why: There is no such thing as a square quilt. The second it's picked up at each of the border corners, it's been stretched and is now out of square, whether that's to put on another border, to show your friend, or to get it folded to come to me.

Wrinkles on the back I take care of when I load the quilt. Wrinkles on the front magically all but disappear when I quilt it.

Here's a before... 

Look at the white area
And here's the after...
Pretty much gone
DW is having an issue with his hopping foot rod. It's becoming loose(r) than before and I've contacted Gall about getting the part ordered and having this situation serviced. The new machine (Marty) can not get here soon enough!

After working on Sharon's Flower Power quilt well after normal quitting time, Jim came in from doing outside stuff (fenced the white pine in the girls' pen for one) and assisted me in getting those parallelograms hung on the design wall. I can start filling in with my scrap pieces now...

I've gotten a few of them done already
There are more scrap pieces that are finished, but they are for the bottom section(s) we could not get on the wall.

I have one customer coming to drop off and I'll be continuing on with Sharons quilt most of the rest of the day. 

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Let's Talk Wrinkles

So many of my customers are worried about a) the quilt top being square and b) wrinkles in both the back and the front. Neither is a concern...