Monday, March 17, 2025


Today's prompt for IG is A Quilt of Significance. I thought about this while doing my morning chores and I went through the repertoire of quilts I've made over the years. Many of them stand out in my mind; struggles with a new technique or color. Triumphs with piecing or quilting. 

But this quilt, which was made specifically for me, is probably the most significant to me. 

My very own QOV
I don't use this quilt. It's put away in one of the totes to be given to Caleb eventually. I was awarded a certificate and recognized for my service. I didn't know it was happening that evening at guild, but I was so overcome with emotion I could only make jokes and walked around in a haze all evening. It wasn't until the next day it finally hit me how much that quilt meant. 

Paulette actually pieced the quilt, and unbeknownst to me, she gave it to me to quilt and bind. So, I did have a hand in it but I got to do all the fun stuff. It identifies a time in my life where I discovered loyalty, pride, and most of all, teamwork and friendship. Thank you Paulette!

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