Thursday, March 13, 2025

Uno Mas (One More)

One more day on Sharon's quilt. Only the last border but it's a lot of starts/stops since I decided to be a bonehead and not connect the circles between each of the piano key border sections. 

I noticed this when I took the last roll...

Some discoloration

I'm not sure if this is bleed from another fabric or a stain from the fabric purchased. At any case, I've noted it on the work order and will show her this pic.

Nothing else was worked on yesterday; this was worked on until nearly 7:00 because I had a customer come by and was here chatting for about two hours. The longer customers and I chat, the longer I have to work at night. Which is fine. With the time change, it doesn't even seem like I'm working late. 

Sunny today and warmer temps mocking a spring-like day. But I heard a Killdeer last night so maybe we'll be in for an early one this year?

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Uno Mas (One More)

One more day on Sharon's quilt. Only the last border but it's a lot of starts/stops since I decided to be a bonehead and not connect...