Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Technology at its Finest

I checked my [work] phone before heading upstairs to do my morning stuff, and lo and behold, a message from a customer sent last Thursday. It just came through today. WTH????

Time to trade those phones in. 

Meanwhile, I'm supposed to go to the QQQG meeting tonight but I didn't get to sleep until about 5:30 this morning. I should have been exhausted since I worked nearly 10 hours yesterday. But a rather nasty headache and other sorts of things were not letting me go to to sleep. Needless to say I was up late this morning.

But I've made up some time and will be working on Sharon's Floral Felicity again today (and tomorrow, and maybe the next day). Here's some of what's going into it...

The sun shows all the texture
We don't have much sun today but it's supposed to be a bit warmer. No customers expected...oh, wait, my phone just dinged. Yep, change that. I have a drop off coming sometime today and I had a last minute one come yesterday to pick up her quilt. Looks like another busy day in my future. 

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Technology at its Finest

I checked my [work] phone before heading upstairs to do my morning stuff, and lo and behold, a message from a customer sent last Thursday. I...