Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Eagle

While mom was here on Monday, we heard the Eagle out by our floating dock. We couldn't see him, but the neighboring birds were in a dither and complaining loudly about his presence. After mom left a few hours later, the little birds were still chattering. I snuck down around the neighboring yard and was able to capture this...

Isn't he beautiful?
From the looks of his beak/talons, he's not very old but it's just breathtaking to watch him fly around the area. 

Gails quilt was finished just before quitting time yesterday. I'm going to be working on this one on Bernie today...

Bernadettes Tula Pink blocks
The lights aren't on in the studio yet, so the pic came out rather dark. Sorry about that. This is getting a free motion edge-to-edge treatment while I'm frame ironing the next back on DW.

After working on DW I switched over to Foster. I had a little left on the bobbin from Gails quilt and a little left over in the cone to wind another partial bobbin. I'm on to the last row but fear the bobbins aren't going to hold out much longer. 

The thread order, as well as the new brochures are due this week. Two different suppliers; two different shipping methods. I bet the brochures (shipping UPS) will beat the thread order (shipping USPS). Any takers on the bet?

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Done and Done

Bernadettes second quilt is done. I have yet to remove it from the frame, but can you see the sparkly thread I put in? Can you see the spark...