Saturday, October 26, 2019

It's not Friday

My girlfriend, Katie, commented yesterday on everybody posting on Friday. Well, it's not Friday.

The t-shirt quilt is done. The 100 Blocks is loaded and three rows were completed yesterday.

Just before loading

Let's talk Jacqueline de Jonge. She is an amazing quilt designer and her tops are NOT for the faint at heart. In the quilting world, completing one of her beautiful creations is like a quilters Everest conquer.

I purchased one of her patterns about three years ago. It took me this long to start the project.

A mountain to climb
This is a full-size top; 80x80. See the little circle in the center? It took me about four hours last night to figure out what to do on that.

The first of many
But isn't it gorgeous? I have cut the fabrics for the next circle behind this one and hope to piece them today. The directions for this quilt top isn't just a few pages; 32 to be exact. And you read and re-read the directions about a dozen times before moving along to the next step.

16 of 24 total colors used in this piece

And what a beautiful day to work in the studio. As you can see from the pics, the sun is shining (for now), and I don't have to be into work until 5:00 tonight, so the whole day is mine to play as desired.

We had a killer freeze last night and the leaves are falling quickly now. This will probably be the last pic of the wonderful autumn view from the studio windows.

Saying goodbye to our warmer months

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