Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Not Much, But Some

Okay, nearly another week has transgressed. There has been a little activity in here.

Long arming: Three customer quilts were completed. Another is on the frame waiting to go.

Piecing: The 100 blocks are now a top as of a half hour ago. Once the current customer quilt is completed, the top will be loaded and quilted next.

I'm debating on whether to start a YouTube series. I'd like to share tips, thoughts, happenings and other quilt-y like things with everybody. It probably won't be anything not already found on YouTube, but will provide me with another way to connect to real people (other than my new part-time job at our local Dollar Tree store). And, I just want to.

While I probably have a face more suited for radio, my intention is to not focus on me, but rather the fabric and thread presented at the time. And there are a few things I'd really like to drive home with quilters (measure your borders people!) to make a long armers life a little less stress induced.

And maybe other not-so-common projects I tackle in the studio itself. Like the Jacqueline DeJong top I've already spent hours trying to get organized.


1 comment:

  1. You're beautiful! And I think a series that focuses some on properly constructing a quilt in terms of preparing it for your longarmer wouls be good. I'm not sure anything like that exists?


Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...