Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Getting Back on Schedule...Kind of.

The flood damage/repair/clean up has finished. Just in time for mom to be closing on her condominium. Now we help move.

Mom recognizes I have a business to run, so is only asking for part-time help. It's going to be a gradual move since her current home has just been listed. I can start getting back into the quilting end of things since it's been more then a week.

These are the stairs going down to our dock and our retaining wall covered under water
A week later and it feels like nothing ever happened. Except for the lake being below winter levels the mess is all gone. We now wait for the fate of our lake and dam after inspections. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my "Quilting at the Lake" name and not have to change it to something like "Quilting at the Stream" or "Quilting at the Bog". Lol.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Thankfully our house sits on a very high hill overlooking the lake. But not all of them do. And with the amount of water we received over the last 36 hours, and with the dam north of us breaching/breaking, many of our neighbors are going to suffer.

Our seawall, permanent dock, and steps are all under, the crawl space continued to take in water throughout the day and two nights, and the septic system was flooded, but nothing compared to many of our neighbors.

The next few days will be aiding those around us who need help cleaning up.

Our neighbors' yards
But, I was able to quilt some things the past few days. And will continue on until we can get to the water to start clean up. It's just too unsafe right now and the water continues to rise.

Currently on the frame...

Cathy J's gift to her husband
After seeing the flooding other regions/communities have endured, it now makes sense to me since we are dealing with it first hand. While Jim and I are blessed to not have to endure too much of the aftermath, others are having to deal with it firsthand. I appreciate those pics seen on TV now more then ever.

Friday, May 15, 2020


...time to get back into a little bit of a routine. I think.

Here's what's been going on in the studio.

Carla's beautiful Arborist quilt
Yep, that's about it. Three days to custom quilt this one between foot changes, thread changes, and removing markings after quilting.

I'm making Hannah (our oldest...and by old, I mean she's going to be four) a pillow case to go with her Catmosphere quilt. We are headed down to Lansing tomorrow to drop off birthday gifts for her since we aren't "allowed" to have parties yet with all the virus whoo-ha.

After I get a pillow case made, I have to load another customer quilt onto the frame because I have six waiting patiently to get get done.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

A Week!?

Mom's Day and deck building consumed our last week, but not without at least a little long arming thrown in somehow.

Currently on the Frame for Bunny

Pat's Deer done on Wednesday

Sue's QOV for a Marine in her family completed yesterday

Gotta love the Pro Stitcher
And that's about it.

Bunny's will get finished today and Carla's will get loaded right after. I have another three coming this morning and three or more tomorrow too.

The shut-in is starting to drive some people nuts. DW and I are enjoying some of the benefits with everybody finishing the long-awaited tops customers had waiting to be completed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

No Decking Today

I needed to take off of a deck making day. There are about another 700 screws to get in there, but I just couldn't bring myself to going out and doing it. I needed to sew today and get myself back into the swing of things.

After finishing Carla's second quilt, this one was loaded and started yesterday.

Mickey's Easy Quilt
After long arming for a while, I cut all the pieces for the new log cabin quilt I've designed.

Ready to start sewing
Not much else going on beyond that.

Monday, May 4, 2020

So Confused

It seems Blogger has either updated or my computer is reacting to it differently now.

After fussing with it for a bit of time this morning I was able to finally figure out how to write a new post. See...that's how much it's changed recently.

No quilting things to post over the weekend. Nothing at all was done in here except to put my two new jelly rolls received from MSQC on Friday into the WIP pile. Reason: Deck building.

Jim and I spent the entire weekend running for materials and working on our deck. When we weren't doing that we were just trying to catch our breath for a much needed break.

Friday, May 1, 2020

A Man's Quilt

The latest top on the frame is this one..obviously for a man.

Carla's second quilt
Many of the motifs out there are geared more towards the feminine side. Or towards the kiddos. Carla just wants and edge to edge in here and a few other little added goodies in the border. How's this for a nice masculine filler?

Leaning towards the man
Irregular squares, rectangles, and polygons rounds out the intricate echoing I'm putting into the border and the deer head itself.

Two more new customers coming today from Au Gres. It's great meeting new quilters and I can't wait to see what these two have in store for me to quilt today. Another customer top was dropped off yesterday and she indicated she had five more after this one. She didn't want to overwhelm me dropping them off all at once, which was so sweet!

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...