Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Quick Decision

I had started to clean the studio a bit yesterday morning. And then I cleaned some more. And then I began slightly organizing. I realized, I really, (really) needed to organize way more than I had started. 

After our lunch yesterday, and our traditional Saturday afternoon movie, we started tearing into the studio. It received a thorough scrubbing, dusting, vacuuming, dissecting, purging, organizing, and yes, rearranging! The only thing that didn't get cleaned were the windows themselves (although the sills certainly did). 

My new layout!

Getting Ready for the Camera
The reason all of this was done was twofold: 1) It just needed it. I hadn't spent any time actually getting my elbows dirty in there and it was time. 2) Handi Quilter is coming in about three weeks to film. They would have been appalled at the condition had they looked close enough to all the dust bunnies I was raising in there. 

Funnily enough, I do run the dust buster in here nearly everyday. But those dumb bunnies like to travel and hide in the most ridiculously weird places. And, this is the room where Hazel goes in and out to her pen. She drags in a little bit of stuff too.

I'm excited to be working in here today to see how everything pans out. The only concern we really have is the iron cord running from anywhere in the room now to the middle of it, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I do actually have a quilt on the frame (which I started in the morning before all of this). Here's Paulettes little whale of a whale top.

Just keep swimming!

So now the long arm faces east instead of north and I'll have a grand view of our "lake" once the trees start to lose their leaves. We continue to try to new layouts every once in a while to make the most of a room that actually needs to be about four feet wider and longer. But I am NOT complaining! I know of quilters who make magnificent tops and quilts in a postage stamp-sized room. I'm thankful for everything I have here and don't take this marvelous space for granted. A HUGE thank you for my man for helping in a project he simply detests to do. Without him, I'd still probably be working on this. 

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