Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Getting Shaved

We didn't know, since we are new to owning doodles, that brushing out your doodle BEFORE going into the lake (or swimming in general) is the right thing to do. Until it was too late.

Hazel had a lot (and I mean tons) of mats in her when taking her to the groomer yesterday. It was a matter of sanity over vanity and her groomer (Picture Perfect Pet Grooming in Gladwin and Harrison, Michigan) suggested just basically shaving her down. It's more comfortable for her anyway since we are supposed to visit the 90's on Friday.

Here's her new look.

Her summer Do
She's not particularly pleased with it and seems a little put-offish about where her hair went, but in a few days she'll adjust.

I was almost not able to post my block 13 for our 100 Blocks in 100 Days challenge since the cell reception was nearly nonexistent at the campground during our reunion. But after walking up the road, and then up the hill, I was able to get a good enough connection to actually make the deadline.

After cleaning up, making notes, putting everything away and repacking things from the reunion, I can finally get back into the studio and a normal schedule. I think I function better under schedules, which is weird, because in my younger days I basically thrived on the by-the-seat-of-my-pants way of life.

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