Sunday, July 7, 2019

Too Confusing

The 100 Blocks block posted for the past six days have been the blocks from the previous days I'm posting. (Wow, if that's not confusing). For instance, today is block 7 that posts to Instagram. But on the blog, I would have posted block 6 for yesterday's Instagram post.

That's being changed. The day the block posts on Instagram is the day it'll be posting it here. Meaning today is a bonus day since I have to show both yesterdays and todays blocks.

Block 6

Block 7
I finished this little cutie yesterday on the long arm and actually got it bound between trips to town.

A class sampler for future use

I hope to use it to teach piecing/quilting if anybody would actually hire me teach in their shop.

The long arm is empty and my goal is to get something loaded today. I was just texting Katie about all the unfinished tops I have hanging around here and how I need to get a handle on the volume. The constrictor in all of it is batt and backs. But at least what is in inventory to finish can be started.

Between getting ready for the reunion, I can do a row, or even a block for sanity purposes and try to get some of these finished. That's the goal for the next few days I think.

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