Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Half of the Blocks

Here they are, hanging out on the design wall, just waiting for more friends.

Jelly Roll Waves Quilt Along
The background fabric looks black here, but in all actuality, it's a medium gray; which makes these bright colors really pop. No, I haven't started sewing the rows/columns together yet because I want to make sure everybody plays nice before committing to my layout.


  1. They look great sew you can sew then together....

  2. 'Love the medium grey background. Great variety of fabrics too. I am doing a light grey background.

  3. Love the fabrics you are using in the quilt and also love the medium grey background.


Saying Good-bye

Saying good-bye is very sad. Usually. In this case, hugely. We will only see Caleb and Lia one more time before they depart for Germany in t...