Monday, September 28, 2020

Indian Summer

I'm not sure if what we experienced the past week was our actual Indian Summer, but it sure acted like it. Mid 70's to low 80's all week. Beautiful sunny skies and slight breezes. And with it, of course, outside work. 

The property is now minus one whole tree, and seven tops of dead Ash trees the Emerald Ash Borer tried to take. And, with the dead tops, comes a whole lotta mess. I also have a new mum garden near the entrance of the house. The lawn has been mowed for its last time, and the garden has been put to bed. 

Some of the mess
Visitors also contribute to little studio time. Dad and Charlotte came on Saturday (their first visit in a year), and many customers on Friday. Here's about all I did over the last seven days.

Sharon's Bear Paw and Black Bear Lodge Quilt

I have another cat quilt on the frame for Paulette right now. 

This is the full-size one. 

The one on the frame currently (pic won't upload for some reason), is a bit smaller. She did two with these crazy kitties in them. And they just crack me up while I'm quilting them because I've known cats with practically the same personalities as the ones she depicts in her work. 

I'll finish her smaller kitty quilt this morning, check to see who's next, and get that loaded hopefully before lunch. Since I have slacked off with the outside stuff, it's time to buckle down and get back into the work mode here in the studio. But that's a good thing because my muscles just aren't 21 any more. :[)

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...