Thursday, September 10, 2020

Just Crusin'

Trying to play catch-up from the weekend. Today was starting out to be an unproductive day. But Jim called about his appointment(s) and it doesn't look like I will need to taxi him around the state. Meaning, I can stay here and work.

Joanie's First Top

A little of the quilting detail
This quilt is due on the 20th. I thought, 'No problem', until I started running ruler work throughout the piece. I should have hit the half-way point yesterday and instead am only about a third of the way through. 

And, I think I loaded it wrong, meaning, I'm going to have to extend the backing. Which means, taking it off, sewing an extension on, getting it back onto the frame, and then finishing. Hopefully Jim will be home to help with the reloading because that is a pain with one person.

I did manage, later yesterday after long arming, to get a few blocks done for our sew along. I have 14 more to go.

I've gotten some nice comments about the blocks, which makes me feel pretty good. Again, not my normal color scheme, so always questioning what's going on here.

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...