Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Letting the Hair Down

While we weren't directly involved in the weekends activities from the two neighbors to our north, we were indirectly involved in all the energy, joy, fun, and general good times. I think people are sick of being locked up because of the 'thing', they are tired of not having a lake, and have decided to not let either of these elements mess up their lives any more. We even had a pontoon traverse our dangerous lake waters over the weekend. 

Daring Folks on our dangerous waters

But I did manage to get some sewing into the weekend regardless. I made this little bowl for my Wonder Clips. 

Wonder Clips fit perfectly in here

I made about five or so blocks on the Nova Star. 

And just as I was settling in to work on a customer quilt yesterday, the kids called from Lansing and said they were going to head on up for a day trip since the pouring rain was keeping Ben from work. 

Hopefully today will be a bit more work productive than the weekend (apparently extended through yesterday) turned out to be. However, the memories with new friends and neighbors was priceless enough to not even feel the least bit guilty. 

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...