Friday, October 23, 2020

Weather Permitting

What a great couple of quilting days. The quilt finished two days ago should have taken about four to six hours. It took 11. But that's okay, I had fun working on it. 

Yesterday's quilt shouldn't have taken nine hours, but it did, and it turned out just beautiful.

Carla's Sample Christmas Tree

I started rummaging through all my scrap buckets and realized they are getting pretty full. I think I need to maybe do something about it. I'll be thinking through this situation while I'm loading the next quilt up in the queue. 

Which may be one of my quilts since the next few days look sketchy for time. DW will have to be torn apart on Sunday night to load the long arm for travel Monday morning for his spa day. That only leaves a partial day today (the afternoon is shot running errands) and tomorrow only. Hmmm???

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