Monday, January 6, 2025


The house is officially undecorated. Jim still has lights, a wreath, and some giant Christmas bulbs to remove outside, but the inside is put back to rights. Except for moving the computer which I'll do here shortly. 

I did start a new project Saturday. I didn't have enough fabric to do anything larger than a baby-size quilt top, but here's the center sections...

Pineapple type of quilt top
I'm using Kona snow for the background and a Kaffe Jelly Roll for the colorful sections. This is going to turn out so pretty.

And, it's back to the normal schedule today. I'll be on DW working on Janice's quilt. I'm still not up to my usual long days on the long arm so I'll work as long as I possibly can and take plenty of breaks to try to get back up to speed. 

Haven't had a pic of the girls in a while so here they are just relaxing this weekend...

Pretty girls
Lucy looks less than impressed, but I finally got a decent pic of Hazel. She often will not cooperate when I bring out the camera. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Blogging Help

I'm trying to update the "About Me" section of my blog, yet can't seem to get it altered. Maybe I've lost my tech abilities with the sickies?

Yesterday I spent ALL DAY working on blueberries...

Teeny, tiny pieces
All the Produce Section blocks are made. I've cut the sashing and border strips so when I get this ready to assemble (at retreat in a few weeks) everything is ready to go. 

It was dark by the time I finished and wanted to start something new. I pulled out a pattern I purchased a few months ago at Elm Creek, but stupidly chose a white background instead of a dark blue like I should have. 

Well, now I have an extra three yards of white. Pull out another pattern. Yep, found one and started cutting for that. I'll continue on with cutting today and perhaps some long arming since I didn't do any yesterday. 

Friday, January 3, 2025

Almost There

I'm at about 97% this morning, but, Jim is home sick today. I think he picked up something at the viewing/funeral on Monday or Tuesday.

I have nails first thing this morning and have a few other errands to do. Jim thinks he's driving me as we received a dusting of snow last night, but he's asleep on the couch right now so I'm not sure how that's going to work.

I did do some long arming yesterday between making the pineapples and starting the blueberries, but only for a few hours.

Here's the pineapples...

I'm hoping to get the blueberries done today, although they are really (really) intense. Pieces is having 15% off their kits and I want to stop by there to take a gander. Haven't been over there in a long while. I also need to check in with mom to see if she needs anything and the lugs have to be retorqued on the truck since we got new tires a week or so ago. 

More long arming in the mix there somewhere I hope. Happy Friday. Happy 2025!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Well, Hullo Thar

Do not get Influenza B. Wash your hands. Keep your fingers away from your face. Prevention is key. 

I've been out of commission since my last post (Dec. 18) and I do not want a repeat performance of what I've been dealing with since then. Every flu symptom you could possibly envision I got to experience. 

I'm still not 100% but at least I'm on the mend. I've been doing "quiet" work the past two days; piecing Produce Section blocks and was actually on the long arm yesterday for a little while. My strength is low so didn't push myself.

Here's some of what I've been up to for the past three weeks...



And while the family was here Saturday for Christmas, Andrew put this together for me...

The lego sewing machine
Here's the long arming I did yesterday...

Starting a new quilt
I did get Timber off the frame and bound a few days ago (Tuesday, I think). That'll be going to the C's. I've also been doing a lot of crocheting. Two scarves completed and another one started last night. A lot of reading as well as a lot of sleeping factored into my life the past three weeks. But I'm glad to be heading in the "repair" direction. It was hard staying out of the studio for so long. So, so hard!

I'm going to take today slow. I've already worked on getting more of the house undecorated and put back together. Called my dad. Did some regular chores around the place and now I'm going to work on a few more Produce Section blocks. Maybe some long arming after lunch? Jim is working today so the house is quiet. 


The house is officially undecorated. Jim still has lights, a wreath, and some giant Christmas bulbs to remove outside, but the inside is put...