Friday, January 24, 2025


I had a bobbin in my bobbin case that was empty and used that to wind the thread I needed for this quilt (I didn't already have one of that color in the case). I can always tell when I need to replace bobbins because they start "crunching" when getting down to about the last 1/3. I then realized I need to order more bobbins because all of mine are becoming dated and questionable. Jim asked me how they go bad and I couldn't give him a decent answer other than they are made out of aluminum and are exposed to high speeds/heat so eventually they just conk out. 

I did work kind of late last night, and then I came to a section eluding my creative juices. I thought I would think about it while working on another Koala. I have since come up with a partial idea, but still stuck on the center portion. 

Meanwhile, Here's some of the quilting going into Lindas quilt...

Top Section

Working my way down
I haven't even hit the one-quarter way mark and I have two sets of customers coming today. Yesterday's customers rescheduled for today since we received a "freak" snow event that made roads a little dicey. 

Once my foot begged me to get off of it (yes, still dealing with that) and I ran out of quilting ideas, I started on the second Koala and managed to get him completed.

Now there's two!
Aren't these just the cutest? If I run out of stuff to do at retreat, these will definitely be going with me. I'm kind of getting it down to a system already, but noticed I did not cut enough of one of the backgrounds. Good thing I have enough left overs to remedy that. 

Speaking of retreats, I thought I had two weeks before leaving and as it turns out, it starts Wednesday. Like in five days. Oops. Now I'm really feeling the pressure on the quilt above. Nails this morning and then between customers I'll be working this late again I think. 

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Not much to show. Or Tell.

I had two intricate quilts come in yesterday (Floral Felicity and the Tilda Sampler) and that was the highlight of my day. Still working on ...