Friday, January 17, 2025

Date Day

Jim and I go out on a "date" every week. We might just grocery shop, but it's time spent together without any outside distractions at home to pull us apart. It means a lot to me to talk to my best friend for an hour of uninterrupted noise. Some might say, "But it's just getting groceries" To us, we make it a game or have fun with it any way we can. It works for us and we are nearly 40 years in the making.

Anns quilt was completed yesterday morning and I started right in on Joyces quilt on DW even before lunch. Here's what I'll be working on through the next couple of days...

Penny Quilt (as they are calling it)
But it's actually a Trip Around the World pattern. The fabrics in here are circa 1940's so I'm using a much smaller needle and thread to quilt this out. And I'm not putting a butt load of thread down since they wouldn't have back then either.

Right out of the gate I knew there were going to be issues. Here's the top borders...
Say 'hello' with the wave
Yep, I have a feeling the iron and some steam are gonna be our friends on this one. 

I'll be working this most of today. I still need to get Anns quilt off the frame (was waiting for the marks to disappear) and trimmed up, and then I have to get the next back started on Bernie in between quilting breaks on Joyces. Happy Friday. 

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Not much to show. Or Tell.

I had two intricate quilts come in yesterday (Floral Felicity and the Tilda Sampler) and that was the highlight of my day. Still working on ...