Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Bitter Winds

Even though it's very cold outside (six this morning), the wind is what makes it nearly unbearable. Jim said it's even cutting through his Carhartts. 

One more day on Anns quilt I think. Once again, while the furnace was running I was working on Foster and piecing the background for the new Yoder Sisters wall hanging. 

This is now complete
I have attached the binding on one side. I'll finish that tonight. I did finish the whole background on the Yoder Sisters and have it loaded...
Ready to quilt
Yep, I know. Normally one would get the appliqué on there and then do the quilting as a whole. I'm not doing it that way. This has a lot of really intense quilting in it and it's too big to do on my sit-down machine, so I'm going to background quilt first, attach the appliqué pieces and then appli-quilt those down on the sit down. Everything will be stabilized and I can whip that puppy around as needed while adhering the appliqué pieces. 

Who likes to follow rules anyway?

My scrap dresser is bugging me again. I think I'll get the Creative Grids pineapple ruler back out and start eating up some of those scraps. I just need to stick to darks and lights. There is no right way on a scrap quilt I don't think. I'll just starting cutting the needed pieces, make some piles and then start working block by block. 

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Not much to show. Or Tell.

I had two intricate quilts come in yesterday (Floral Felicity and the Tilda Sampler) and that was the highlight of my day. Still working on ...