Thursday, January 2, 2025

Well, Hullo Thar

Do not get Influenza B. Wash your hands. Keep your fingers away from your face. Prevention is key. 

I've been out of commission since my last post (Dec. 18) and I do not want a repeat performance of what I've been dealing with since then. Every flu symptom you could possibly envision I got to experience. 

I'm still not 100% but at least I'm on the mend. I've been doing "quiet" work the past two days; piecing Produce Section blocks and was actually on the long arm yesterday for a little while. My strength is low so didn't push myself.

Here's some of what I've been up to for the past three weeks...



And while the family was here Saturday for Christmas, Andrew put this together for me...

The lego sewing machine
Here's the long arming I did yesterday...

Starting a new quilt
I did get Timber off the frame and bound a few days ago (Tuesday, I think). That'll be going to the C's. I've also been doing a lot of crocheting. Two scarves completed and another one started last night. A lot of reading as well as a lot of sleeping factored into my life the past three weeks. But I'm glad to be heading in the "repair" direction. It was hard staying out of the studio for so long. So, so hard!

I'm going to take today slow. I've already worked on getting more of the house undecorated and put back together. Called my dad. Did some regular chores around the place and now I'm going to work on a few more Produce Section blocks. Maybe some long arming after lunch? Jim is working today so the house is quiet. 

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