Monday, January 13, 2025

Another One Ready

I have three tops to make at retreat so far...

Doesn't look like much, does it?
The third set of blocks I was working on Friday and Saturday was finished yesterday while Jim was watching his Spartan basketball game. Not sure what I'm going to start next. Mom bought me a couple of things for my birthday, but I'm lacking supplies for both (fusible and some base fabric). 

I do have another small appliqué thing in my bag-o-projects that I may delve into since I have enough fusible (or rather, the right kind of fusible) for that project.

Misty Fuse isn't going to be an option for the first one mentioned above. It's expensive and I need seven yards of the stuff. Not to mention I've noticed the fabric frays with it. I don't want this to be stiff (ruling out most paper-backed fusible), and I don't want it to gum up my needle. I'm going to ask Sharon next time I see her what she recommends since she taught the class over at Bittersweet. 

I'll be working Anns quilt on Bernie today and hopefully finishing the one I have on Foster after the work day is done. 

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Not much to show. Or Tell.

I had two intricate quilts come in yesterday (Floral Felicity and the Tilda Sampler) and that was the highlight of my day. Still working on ...