Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Anybody Out There?

I posted the milestone (ya know, 100 million stitches) on IG last night and absolutely nobody responded. I find that odd.

Oh well. The long arm clinic went well yesterday and lasted until well into lunchtime. I started in on Bernadettes quilt on Bernie right after lunch and in between heater runs I loaded the next quilt onto DW (will post later) and picked threads out for the Yoder Sisters for sit-down work. I also started picking fabrics for the next project (I'm not going to do the Pineapple scrap quilt just yet). 

Here's some of the work going into Millies dresses for Bernadette...

Love the texture
The Yoder Sisters are under the needle...

Getting them quilted down
And here's the next project in the very beginning stages...

Another Elizabeth Hartman pattern
I picked this up at the rummage sale in Shipshewana this last November for $2. I couldn't pass it up and since I'm deeming 2025 'Shop Your Stash' year (I guess a few others out there are doing this too), I'm going to use up some of the many batiks I have in-house. The background is a nice medium teal with lighter leaves woven in and ALL of the fabrics are right here in the studio. No need for any monetary outlay and all I've gotten into the whole thing so far is the pattern. Yay!

I have a new customer coming this morning. She has a memory quilt I need to look at made out of denim. I may not take this project on. I'll have to take a look and see what's what with it but she indicated it was made from her late Uncles jeans. Hmmmm?? 

Frigid temps again this morning. Minus 2 at daybreak with a southeasterly wind that's becoming rather brisk. So blessed to have a warm house/studio to keep us comfortable and all of us safe. 

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Not much to show. Or Tell.

I had two intricate quilts come in yesterday (Floral Felicity and the Tilda Sampler) and that was the highlight of my day. Still working on ...