Sunday, September 22, 2019

Finally on the Frame

The quilt shop near my house, Pieces of Thyme, had a lingering sidewalk sale this weekend and Katie and I happened to wander over on Friday. She had some very (very) good deals on things to include a roll of backing fabric I happened to spot, which was JUST wide enough to get this big top onto the frame.

Need a name for this quilt.

I haven't named this quilt yet. I call it the colorful rail fence with black and white checkerboards. But that seems too long of a title. Any ideas?

Our Spartans did well in Evanston yesterday and while Jim was being entertained with their playing abilities, I made this.

Go Green! Go White!

I also got the borders pieced for the Roundabout top.

Jim is pressing apples this morning for his annual cider canning. The weather is being sewing cooperative so I'll be in the studio most of the day.

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