Monday, September 30, 2019

Nothing New

More stick fun on Saturday. Bleh.

Kids (and grandkids) came to visit Friday and Saturday to help with stick fun and to watch the game.

Because we were so tired from three days worth of trees and their eradication thereof, we did nothing except put the house and studio back together yesterday. And I mean nothing. Watched four movies, ate a bunch of junk food, and vegged on the couch.

We haven't had a day like that since last spring so it was probably way overdue.

Tomorrow I start a new job. I'm not sure just how much I'll be working but the first week is setting the brand new store up and getting to know all the other people who will be working together.

I'm having trouble trying to find a decent sashing to put into my 100 blocks. A mottled grey (lights to darks) seems to work the best in my limited block color scheme because any red, yellow, or black just adds too much of that particular color into it.

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