Monday, September 16, 2019

Measure Twice, Cut Once...

...except I measured three times and still this happened.

Ummm...not cool!

After unloading the whole quilt, I realized I had taken up too much in the top lead, which is why this occurred. And then things got worse.

After locating an acceptable additional piece, because I didn't have any of the other two fabrics I used in this backing, I sewed the new section together and onto the existing back. Except, instead of sewing it onto the bottom where I'm clearly deficit in length, I sewed it onto the side (this is a nearly square quilt). And, I didn't notice it until I got the thing nearly all reloaded.

Take it back off the frame. Take out the stitching from the added piece. Repress. Restitch. Reload.

I had a bit of a temper tantrum and meltdown after everything on the long arm bed went flying as I was trying to get this back over the back leader bars without any help. I am so done with trying to piece backings from scraps around the studio.

I thought it would add to the scrappiness of the quilt which is why I choose to go in that direction. I'll think way more times than twice next time I try to do something like this.

I have a new customer top coming in today and I had to get this off the frame; that new top coming in is a rush job, and it's quite large from the sounds of it.

During the weekend between working outside and long arming, I got a few of my large Roundabout blocks pieced. Everything to make all the small circle blocks are cut out and a few of those are pieced, and I started my October mantle piece. So all in all, until yesterday afternoon, the weekend went well.

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