Friday, September 20, 2019

Hazel Loves to Swim!

This is Hazels normal routine after dad gets home from work in the evening.

"Grandma" was here yesterday afternoon and she wanted to get a pic of Hazel jumping off the dock. We forgot to tell grandma Hazel usually jumps off the shallow dock rather than the deep dock. She missed the pic but I got a cute short video of how excited our doodle is to go swimming (and we can't say that around her because she knows what's coming) every evening. I'm not sure what we are going to do this fall when swimming stops.

I have been nearly studio absent for the past 48 hours because of family visiting and other outdoor tasks the weather has permitted me to complete. Today is another nice weather day but I'm going to open all the studio windows and enjoy working in here in bare feet with jazz playing in the background (more to drown out the crows who incessantly caw-caw all day) until Jim gets home from work.

I did manage to load this little piece onto the long arm after the customer came to get her quilt yesterday. See...nothing is too small to get on the "big" machine.

The October mantle hanging

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