Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I've had several people ask me recently if/when I was going to retire.

First, and foremost, do I really look that old? I mean, I just turned 55 and I don't think that's retirement age, is it?

Second, and probably the most important, is I love working. Not the kind of work requiring one to sweat constantly and wear yourself to a frazzle (like baling hay or similar type of work), but working with quilts, and people, to me, is fun. Truly.

I love my little retail job. I love quilting quilts for people. I love working with customers and fabric both. Being home part of the time, and out in public the other part, works out well for me. I wouldn't change my life right now...at all.

So, why retire?

If you love what you do, why change it? What could be better? Enough about retiring.

After playing in the studio, eating lunch, going to work for a few hours, and coming back to play in the studio, here's what I did yesterday.

These were done last night

This was done yesterday morning
See, why would I leave all this fun to try something else?

These blocks are coming together very cute. I've had to remember how to transfer appliqué pieces and how to get my appliqué groove going, but now that I have that figured out again, these are coming together better. Those bunnies the other day proved to me it's been a while since I've done something this intense.

DW is working away over there while I'm blogging (the nice thing about the Pro Stitcher). And I have a new customer coming today later to drop off a top, and since today is not a work day, I'll enjoy my non-retirement today playing with fabric.

1 comment:

  1. All I can say about retirement is I'm 82 and though officially I'm retired .... I will never retired from doing what I love and what keeps me young!! Shoot --- life started at 55!!


Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...