Monday, January 27, 2020

A few Accomplishments

This was an absolutely fun quilt to do.

All Snuggly and Warm
The customer just wanted an all over, large swirl put into this flannel piece. The flannels were so rich and a dream to handle it was obvious they didn't come from one of those discount stores. 

Then the one I've been anticipating for a few months was put on the frame Friday. I became so engrossed in quilting it and had so much fun adding to it's already stunning nature, that the whole top was completed after nine hours. 100% custom work, with DW assisting on a bit of it, and it looked absolutely lovely when I pulled it off late Friday night. 

A 17-year project coming to a close.
I have recently learned that the quilt is actually coming back to me because in the waning light, and the nearly 100% matching thread hiding in the velvet, I missed one side of my feather when quilting the piece. Ummm...Oops. Well at least that proves I am human, and will get it to rights tomorrow quickly enough. In the meantime, I hope to snag a few more pics of it and can share more of what the amazing woman who worked on this put into it since the Friday night pics were not coming out well at all.

I've also learned that this piece will be traveling to a few shows. As it should. It's just breathtaking and my feeble attempt at capturing its beauty doesn't do it justice. Of course, taking pics at night on a dark backgrounded quilt doesn't help either. So more on this project by Wednesday. 

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