Friday, January 17, 2020


I admire people who like to travel. I question it from my lifes perspective.

Jim and I haven't been overly blessed with high finances nor will we ever. We've learned to make due and take what little is left over and use it towards tangible items.

Travel memories, to us, is not something tangible. You can't see it, touch it, smell it, etc. once the experience is done. Using it once is the only option and then there is nothing left but a memory. I'm sure they're good memories, but the experience only lasts a short while and then you have nothing to hold in your hand except some photos on your iPhone.

A new pontoon, or truck, or that's something tangible. A new deck, studio, workshop, sidewalk...those are all things useful for more than a few weeks, and making memories there, I think, are just as important.

What this all boils down to is our cruise to Alaska. We have our 35th wedding anniversary coming up. The trip, quite frankly, is expensive. Even with an inside cabin, no off ship excursions, and the multi connecting flights to get there, would dip into money we could use on those tangible items mentioned above.

We've talked about this cruise for the past three milestone anniversaries. Two moves and a new career got in the way of those plans. We aren't moving or starting a new job, so why the balk at going? Because it's not something we can use our money on wisely. Something that will provide longer than a few weeks of memories, but rather a lifetime of enjoyment instead, may be how we finally decide about this cruise.

It makes us both sad. We really want to go. Really, really. BUT, we have limited time and, moreover, limited resources to get us there. We spent our honeymoon with money people put into our wedding cards because we ended up paying for the whole damn wedding. We don't want to take our next big trip counting our coins like we did 35 years ago.

Enough on that decision. Here's something tangible I've been working on in between the hours at the store.

Making the "Fair" calf

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Empty Long Arms

Here is some of the quilting detail that went into Linda's quilt... The front The back I have it all trimmed and ready to bind for her. ...