Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Reunion Finished

Now that we are once again through a DeGroot reunion, work should resume per the usual. Although, lately, the usual has been rather unusual. 

Prior to our reunion weekend, I was able to complete this quilt for Nanci. 

Nanci's Family Tree

This week is starting our pretty busy too. Monday was Hazel grooming, electrician rewiring for DW, and reunion clean up, as well as yard clean up since we'd neglected it for over a week; mowing, weeding, watering. Yesterday was wash all the bedding and missed items from Monday, as well as put away day.

In the later morning and afternoon I was working on my LLC paperwork. I have my EIN number now, my LLC confirmation paperwork is being sent back to the state, and now I'm looking for a logo. Again. I found a sign company in Flint I think I want to work with and made some zucchini muffins since ours are coming on now.

Today maybe I'll get to work in the studio. It's cloudy and looks like we could get some rain; permission to sew in other words. I need to take advantage of today because tomorrow is again, another appointment day. Dr.'s appointment first thing in the morning and a dentist appointment for Jim in the afternoon down in Howell. 

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Rest Day

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