Monday, November 30, 2020

A Monster?

I thought Halloween had already passed? This is a monster and is going to be on the frame for a few days I'm afraid. 

Ann's Cabin in the Woods top

Aanndd...already identifying some slight problems...

I'm standing straight on
The borders are wavering towards the center of the top. While not an issue now, I'm afraid when I get to the bottom, it's going to be an issue then. And it's going to make a problem for the corner stars when trimming ensues once the top is finished. 

But, we'll handle it as we go.

The background pieces for Gravity are completely cut and some of them are already pieced. Pics on those later this week since the top above will continue on the frame for a while. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

This was my Black Friday haul yesterday. No great deals, but fabric I needed for the Gravity top for the backgrounds. Oh, and the backing for moms top; that's the green in there.

Black Friday Haul
Another Melissa quilt top is on the frame this morning. I should be able to knock it out before lunch, although I'm getting kind of a late start this Saturday morning.

After long arming yesterday I was busy sorting and cutting those beautiful fabrics up for the next phase of Gravity.

Customers coming later so I better get on the machine and do my thing before they arrive. It's a glorious sunny day out there (cold, but sunny) and working in the studio while I get the natural light always proves very productive. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Black Friday?

I've never, ever done the Black Friday shopping thing. At least not the kind where you get up before the birds and run from store to store trying to get the latest sale item(s). But, this year, with the "thing" and some stores closing (permanently), I've taken advantage of the on-line presence this year with Black Friday. So far, my only purchase was with Craftsy (which has decided to continue on in the world) for a premium membership. Originally $79 a year. Got it last night for $2.49. 

This morning, before turning on the long arm, I need to get over to Pieces of Thyme quilt shop to purchase background fabrics for the Gravity top. I'm at a complete stand still until I do and I have customers coming tomorrow, so today IS an actual shopping day. Maybe I'll break my Black Friday shopping streak this year?

On the frame this morning is this simple, yet elegant top of Melissa's. 

Melissa's second top
This wasn't Melissa's first top this week. This was her first top quilted on Wednesday.

The first of the four she brought
The purple Crumb blocks are complete, and while I thought I had fewer pink pieces, apparently the block count says otherwise.

Only eight purples
Hazel received her Bark Box this week and she's in corn heaven.

"Look Mommy, I'm in toy heaven."
She's not really sure what to do exactly with the squeaker that's in the toy. At first she would whine about it...literally, which is something she rarely does. Now she just carries it around and wants us to throw it for her. 

Must go shopping now. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Don't Sew Over Your Finger!

Yesterday while working on Patricia's table runners, I tried to sew through/over my little finger. I was being careless and not watching the placement of my hand on my ruler and bam! Everything went a little haywire there for a second. My little finger is sore but I'm glad I get my nails protected with a shellac topcoat because I would have definitely sewn through my finger had I not. The glitch in my nail is proof. 

I'm glad I had this ruler yesterday too!

HQ Mini to the Rescue!

This is what's on the frame today.

Debbie M's Simple and Fun Top
I'm going to do a simple swirl (aka "The Katie") in here today. It wouldn't be prudent to try to customize anything since it would get lost in the translation. It's a simple design with simple implications and doing anything complex wouldn't work within its structure.

After long arming last night, I was able to get a few more Crumb blocks put together. Remember when I said I probably had enough for three or four blocks? Try eight more for a total of 11! Here are all the pinks constructed. Tonight I'll move on to another color...probably purple. 
The Pink Crumb Blocks
Today I'm thankful for our service workers; those who plow roads and pick up the trash. Those who make sure our electric lines are connected and who provide heat to our homes (that's you Papa Bear). I'm thankful for all those people who are willing to work a mini wage job so I can shop when I have/want to and even though you're getting screwed, you remain cheerful and positive during my visit. 

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and remember to give thanks whenever you can, not just on a specific day of the year. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Christmas Songs

It would be great to fire up my iTunes library with all the Christmas songs collected over the years. But I know a) I'll get sick of them before the holiday actually gets here, and b) It's not yet even Thanksgiving. 

Today I'm thankful for modern medicine and how research/testing will enable generations beyond our years to live better lives. I'm thankful for clean water and air. I'm thankful for not having to punch a time clock (even though I stick to a pretty regimented schedule around here) and to do a job that brings others happiness.

Here's what was loaded last night and what I'll be working on today for Patricia.

Harvest Table Runners

There are four of these to do today and I should be able to knock them out in a day. Another customer dropped off yesterday and a customer pick up is scheduled for this morning. I am thankful for customers who are here when they say they'll be here. :-)

After long arming yesterday, the Crumb blocks were started. I'm starting with pink since that's the color who's bucket is the least full. It's a phycological thing I think. 

This small pile of scraps will result in some pretty cool blocks
That small pile above has already resulted in three 8 1/2" blocks. I will probably get another three or even four from it. WOW, that's my smallest bucket full? 

Awoke this morning to very cold temps (22 degrees) and ice forming on the lake. 

Ice? Already?

The ice won't stay since we are supposed to reach above freezing during the daytime hours, but that tells me the lake is already cold enough for it to begin. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

Important Sunday's

Sunday's are my day. I used to long arm on Sunday's, but then on Monday morning, felt like it was becoming a job rather than a pleasure. I need a day to miss my machine and recharge. A day to spend with my man and my dog and my neighbors (when they're up). A day to visit my family and go shopping. Yep, it's better this way.

Here's what's on the frame this morning.

Mickey's Barn Quilt Wall Hanging

After Jim and I shopped yesterday, I was putting things away in here (a few office things) and the snippet buckets of fabric have been puking all over the floor and catching on Haze's tail. I think it may be time to do another crumb quilt. 

Getting Too Full!
Speaking of Hazel, she took a short snooze on my lap last night while I was researching Crumb Quilt designs and techniques.

Sleepy Girl
Since this is Thanksgiving week, I'll say I am thankful for the ability to get paid (albeit very little) for something I love to do. I'm thankful for my home, my husband, and my girl Hazel. I'm thankful I have healthy and (mostly) happy kids and grandkids, and I'm thankful for every day I have heat and food in my life. What are you thankful for? 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

(Another) Quick Check-In

Here's what's on the frame this morning. 

Mickey's First One for the Day

Japanese Flowers quilted rather quickly. It was such a breath of fresh air to not have to be tied to the computerized quilting or to have to grit my teeth while trying to make sure the ruler doesn't move. 

This next one will be similar to the previous project, so it'll be a wonderful day here in the studio.

Friday, November 20, 2020


The Christmas rush is on! Here's what on the frame this morning.

Martha's Japanese Garden
Have customers coming today. More long arming. Need to order thread.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Spidey Sense

This top came all the way from Lansing. I'm having a blast putting spider webs throughout the piece.

From our "home"

See any spiders?
Hopefully today I'll get this completed and then be able to load the next quilt Martha sent up from Lansing. 

I have two (I think) new customers coming today. One I know for sure. The other called a few days ago and I'm not sure if that was the Friday/possibly Saturday lady. She's from Lansing as well, but they are moving up near here for their retirement. Or, if it was another lady entirely then what I'm thinking and there was some mention of Thursday. 

I'm getting a little overwhelmed. 

I was, after quilting/taking Hazel to the vet/quilting again, able to get two more blocks done in the Gravity top. Despite the pieces being cut on bias, the blocks are going together rather easily. This may (MAY) be one of the quilts I wouldn't be opposed in making more than one of. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


While Diane R.'s quilt was being worked, I cut and pieced blocks for the top called Gravity by Jaybird Quilts. I started the first two blocks a few weeks ago and since mom's top is done, decided to start getting more serious about this project. It's not like I can quilt any of my quilts because yesterdays pick-up turned into two more drop-offs, but I can keep making tops I guess.

Not how they'll be constructed but here are the blocks as they are being made
Today, this little girl goes to the vet...

She won't be this happy in a few hours

I'm loading a new top today called Spiderman. This top came up from Lansing and will be fun to finally get back into some creative free motion quilting. So excited!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Computers (again)

This time its the computer that drives DW when doing an edge-to-edge motif (generally requested by the customer) not playing nice. 

I don't use the thing that much, therefore, I'm a little rusty every time I get on it. But yesterday it wasn't me. The motif requested by the customer is heavy. The quilt is big. And DW doesn't like to display that much onto his screen and have to do all that he does at the same time. Each couple of rows the computer has to be restarted as he kind of gets lost in his x and y axis. 

This is what we're tackling today (and yesterday too).

Diane R.'s top
While DW is stitching out, I can't leave him. The second I do there will be an issue with thread. Every time! So I work on whatever else I can get my hands on in here. With this top I'm picking and cutting out some of the pieces of my Gravity top by Jaybird Quilts. 

And writing in my blog.

And cleaning the studio. 

And winding bobbins. 

Man, babysitting a long arm isn't the most fun thing to do. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Computer Updates and All that Happy Crap

Could not blog this morning because Apple decided to launch a new version of Big Sur and it took forever to load. Not to mention, we have some high winds today and I think our internet is being a dork because Netflix would not load during lunch time. 

This is what I've been sweating over the past day.

A decent size to work on

Quilting detail of one of the blocks
This is turning out pretty awesome so I continue on today with this. 

Meanwhile, after working on the above quilt for nine hours yesterday, decided to switch to working on getting the body of the River Rock top done. 
Mom's River Rock Body
There are about 146 3" squares that need to be put together to complete the borders, and if Tina's top is a quilt by days end, perhaps I'll be able to work on those yet tonight. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Happy Veteran's Day (late)

I'm a veteran. I should have wished all my fellow veterans and current soldiers a Happy Veterans Day yesterday out here. Belated VD!

Emily's little Table Topper/Wall Hanging

I pulled this off the frame before lunch yesterday. Read the work order. Oops. I needed to add the binding for her as well. She too is an active military member (as is her husband) so I threw in the batting and the binding at no charge. Happy VD Emily and Zack.

After getting the little wall hanging done, this was loaded.

A nice queen-size top by Tina
Notice the dark outside the studio in this pic. While I love the night time, quilting in the dark is not preferable. I set in the borders on Tina's top and then called it a night with the long arm. Here is some of the border detail started.

Piano keys in the outside border. Dot to dot in the second border.
After long arming, tackling the large sections of River Rock ensued. I have them into subsections now and hope to make it a top (minus the borders) yet this evening. 

I have a customer drop off this morning as well as a customer pick up. Tina's top will take up all my afternoon/early evening hours today and then more River Rock afterwards. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

All in a Day's Work

Here is some of the quilting detail put into Nanci's quilt.

Nanci's Quilt
I had an appointment this morning and am home now to start work. Don't know what goes on the frame next, but my instincts tell me it's a big one coming up. 

Our weather has turned from unseasonably warm to now normal temps/conditions. Blustery, cold, with what looks like rain later. Perfect studio work!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


The draft posts look different again out here on Blogger. WTH? Not much studio action to report. The kids were here all weekend. My brother showed up Saturday. Mom's birthday was yesterday in which we erected a bunch of basement walls and ran the streets.
Adding Walls

Nothing accomplished in here except a few of the River Rock blocks. Today things should be more focused. 

This has been sitting on the frame since Thursday night.
Nanci's Spooky Top

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Hazel Loves Pillows


Of course, who doesn't like a good pillow to take a snooze on?

Tuesday was Deliver Quilt/Vote/Grocery day. In other words, no long arming. Not much sewing either, except I did get moms fifth set of blocks done on her River Rock top. 

I made up for that yesterday. 

It started out with this
When customers provide their own batt, it can sometimes be interesting on what exactly you get. This was discovered after opening the package-a huge bump on the inside of the batt. 

This customer asked that I piece her back. Once that was completed, and we mashed down that bump in the batt, we could finally load.

Penny's Shadow Boxes
Here's some of the quilt detail, but basically, I squiggle quilted squares in the box sections, swirled the sashing pieces, and ribbon candied the black shadows. By 6:10-ish I was finished with the 82" square top. A solid nine hours worth of work since I didn't take a lunch and started earlier than usual (because of the stupid time change). 

Penny's Shadow Box Details
This is a "complete" quilt job meaning this needs to be trimmed/squared and binding made and attached. That's on today's radar. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Good Snowy Morning

What a wild weather day yesterday. We knew flurries were coming, but with the 30-40 mph winds, we hadn’t a clue a veritable blizzard was to descend upon us throughout the entire day. We received around three inches for our first snow fall of the year. 

I started another new project yesterday. No pics yet, but once I get further along I’ll attach some. 

Here is where I am with moms quilt top.

River Rock

Since the wind was howling and since I don’t long arm on Sunday, today will definitely be a long arming kind of day. Funny how taking just one day off makes me appreciate the studio and my very cool life. 

Digitized Edge to Edge

I have a computer (the Pro Stitcher) that drives all the edge-to-edge motifs on customer quilts. If they request it. I don't like using ...