Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Don't Sew Over Your Finger!

Yesterday while working on Patricia's table runners, I tried to sew through/over my little finger. I was being careless and not watching the placement of my hand on my ruler and bam! Everything went a little haywire there for a second. My little finger is sore but I'm glad I get my nails protected with a shellac topcoat because I would have definitely sewn through my finger had I not. The glitch in my nail is proof. 

I'm glad I had this ruler yesterday too!

HQ Mini to the Rescue!

This is what's on the frame today.

Debbie M's Simple and Fun Top
I'm going to do a simple swirl (aka "The Katie") in here today. It wouldn't be prudent to try to customize anything since it would get lost in the translation. It's a simple design with simple implications and doing anything complex wouldn't work within its structure.

After long arming last night, I was able to get a few more Crumb blocks put together. Remember when I said I probably had enough for three or four blocks? Try eight more for a total of 11! Here are all the pinks constructed. Tonight I'll move on to another color...probably purple. 
The Pink Crumb Blocks
Today I'm thankful for our service workers; those who plow roads and pick up the trash. Those who make sure our electric lines are connected and who provide heat to our homes (that's you Papa Bear). I'm thankful for all those people who are willing to work a mini wage job so I can shop when I have/want to and even though you're getting screwed, you remain cheerful and positive during my visit. 

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and remember to give thanks whenever you can, not just on a specific day of the year. 

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