The weather, the time of the day, and what I'm working on, will set the stage for what music I jam to when I'm in the studio. Long arming yesterday, after blogging, the sun decided to show itself for the better part of the morning and early afternoon. Classic Rock! On high volume!
If working a pattern I'm not familiar with, classical music plays softly in the background.
If it's chain piecing that's very mundane work, I listen to podcasts about quilting. Or YouTube videos (that's how I get caught up on those).
Since yesterday was a culmination of all of the above, I had a variety of things playing on my Mac (Irma).
Customer quilt is nearly done. I have to pull it off this morning, eliminate any markings, and check for any tie-off threads. She's picking it up later this afternoon.
Steam Punk is done |
Before working this piece though, I did slip in some Poppins bag time, but made myself stop before lunch time (or I would have just gotten wrapped up too deep and wouldn't have let it go).
Afterwards, when the storms decided to come rolling in, I worked on a few more blocks for the Long Time Gone top. My original thought on this piece was that it was going to be quick and easy to make, but it's turning out to be more labor intensive then it presented itself to be.
Courhouse Steps on top and Churn Dash below |
The pattern called for 21 churn dash blocks and nine courthouse blocks. Looking ahead to today, I have four log cabin blocks to make and a crap load of half square triangles coming my way. Tomorrow I'm going downstate to sew with a few of my previous guild members, so cutting these pieces and getting them done tomorrow seems like a good idea.
Update on Hazel: She's still eating as much grass as she can find (we are just starting to get it poking out of the ground from winter) so I know her tummy is still bothering her. But her stools (I know, gross, right?) are firmer so maybe we're heading in a forward direction with her recovery!?