Monday, April 15, 2019

Whirlwind Weekend

The kids from Lansing came up for a visit on Friday and Saturday, so no studio time for those two days. Yesterday I squirreled and completed this wonderful little toiletries bag for the next time I travel.

Small Project Sunday
And doing this all while there was a snow storm happening outside (see the snow in the background behind the bag?).

It's April, right?

But it's also northern Michigan and this is what we get. I'm not complaining AT ALL! I love the snow and cold days because then I don't feel guilty about not working outside in the yard while I am sewing.

Hazel seemed to perk up over the weekend after all the meds she's currently on. She loves the snow too!

I seem to be feeling better and the snow helps
The vet didn't find anything specific wrong with her after her visit Friday. But we have a direction we're headed in getting this problem of hers rectified. So far, it seems to be working.

Today it's sunny and I'm up early so on to a great sewing day.

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