Tuesday, April 9, 2019

En Route

The Mary Poppins bag kept coming into my thoughts yesterday. Having held off starting this project, I took an inventory of everything en route towards completion. Some of them are just in the beginning stages and some are somewhere in the middle. None of them are near completion.

Here are a few things under construction at the moment. 

Is this really something?

Yes, this is actually something in the beginning stages. Although my enthusiasm for its completion has diminished considerably. It's supposed to be monsters through a class offered on Craftsy but my tendency towards working on it has vastly wained.

On the design wall
These are three projects going at once. The top rows of houses are a pattern by Jenny Doan of MSQC. The blocks to the right are a new pattern called Long Time Gone by Jan Kingwell. Seeing it on Pinterest made me HAVE to do it, and it's chewing through the scrap buckets seen next to the right of the blocks. The bottom "big" thing is a selvedge quilt from the book Modern Selvage Quilting by Riel Nason. 

But wait, there's more...

That Town and Country
This is my long-time project, often referred to in other posts as my BOD; Block of the Day. Although, after it's worked on for a while, it's parked off for something else. I'm on day 183 of 365. It's been two years since I've started. 

And then there's always this...

Long Arming for Customers
It sometimes takes a while for inspiration to hit when a customer quilt comes in. We discuss possibilities when the tops are dropped off, but the actual designs can sometimes swim around in my head for a while. I've had this one now for two weeks and am finally settling on what to actually put into it. I've got to get rolling on it though since I need to deliver it in another two weeks. 

And, these are not all the projects being worked. There are another two under the bookcase (one Bonnie Hunter and one Angela Walters) and one more under the long arm (by Leah Day) which are monthly things being worked on when they come in. It's GREAT to have a variety, but the Mary Poppins bag is still tugging at my head. Although a little less now that I've actually taken an inventory of just how many things I do have in the works.


  1. So the other day, I tried to leave a comment saying "marypoppinsbagmarypoppinsbagmarypoppinsbag" but my stupid phone ate it. It's still not right, so I'm eating dinner and reading blogs at my computer. I'm still voting for the bag, but you know I'm a bad influence. (And if my mom's quilt isn't done on time, you know she'll believe you if you tell her it's my fault...)

  2. What the heck? I did not leave 20 spaces between each word in that first line...



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