Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Sunny Days

Today is not a sunny day. Yesterday was partly sunny. Long arming on a sunny day is preferred. This is mostly what I worked on yesterday until the sun decided to leave.

Getting in those borders

I think the borders set the stage for how the quilt project is going to go. And, the borders are the most difficult and time consuming to get into; at least for me they are. Maybe I'm weird. Wait! I know I'm weird. So this makes sense.

After the sun went away, progress was made on the Selvedge top and the pieces are being picked for the next block in the Long Time Gone top. It's great darkness doesn't settle upon us until later in the evening. In the winter months it seems like 6:00 is so late, but now studio time doesn't stop until around 8:00 or after. Yeah more daylight!

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